Pencil grasp is extremely important for developing handwriting skills. An underdeveloped pencil grasp will contribute to quick writing fatigue, poor control, and poor legibility. Pencil grips can be used to help students learn proper finger placement and improve their handwriting. Letter and number formation techniques are another important factor in producing legible work. These worksheets are great for developing proper writing techniques that will lead to improvements in legibility.
Pencil grips are easy to use and very effective.

Handwriting Rules
Handwriting Rules

Letter Formation - Uppercase
Letter Formation - Uppercase

Letter Formation - Lowercase
Letter Formation - Lowercase

Alphabet Tracing
Alphabet Tracing

Handwriting Packet
Handwriting Packet

Number Formation Practice
Number Formation Practice


Boxed Words
Boxed Words

Writing Paper
Writing Paper

Copying/Handwriting Practice
Copying/Handwriting Practice

Copying/Handwriting Practice
Copying/Handwriting Practice

Speeding Tickets
Speeding Tickets
Use these speeding tickets to help your student slow down!

Practice Job Applications
Practice Job Applications
Great practice for landing the perfect job!


Sentence Copying
Sentence Copying